Навахо (кыв)
Навахо (Diné bizaad) — рытыв-лун АӦШын (Аризона, Нью-Мексико, Юта, Колорадо штатъясын) атабаск кыв. Анбур — латин.
Навахо анбур
b [p], d [t], g [k], t [tx], k [kx], kw [kxʷ], tʼ [tʼ], kʼ [kʼ], dz [ts], dl [tˡ], j [tʃ], ts [tsʰ], tł [tɬʰ], ch [tʃʰ], tsʼ [tsʼ], tłʼ [tɬʼ], chʼ [tʃʼ], s [s], ł [ɬ], sh [ʃ], h [x], hw [xʷ], h [h], z [z], l [l], zh [ʒ], gh [ɣ], ghw [ɣʷ], m [m], n [n], y [j], w [w], ʼ [ʔ], a, e, i, o, á, é, í, ó, ą, ę, į, ǫ
- 1 - tʼááłáʼí
- 2 - naaki
- 3 - tááʼ
- 4 - dį́į́ʼ
- 5 - ashdlaʼ
- 6 - hastą́ą́
- 7 - tsostsʼid
- 8 - tseebíí
- 9 - náhástʼéí
- 10 - neeznáá
- 11 - łaʼtsʼáadah
- 12 - naakitsʼáadah
- 13 - tááʼtsʼáadah
- 14 - dį́į́ʼtsʼáadah
- 15 - ashdlaʼáadah
- 16 - hastą́ʼáadah
- 17 - tsostsʼidtsʼáadah
- 18 - tseebíítsʼáadah
- 19 - náhástʼéítsʼáadah
- 20 - naadiin
- 30 - tádiin
- 40 - dízdiin
- 50 - ashdladiin
- 60 - hastą́diin
- 70 - tsostsʼidiin
- 80 - tseebídiin
- 90 - náhástʼédiin
- 100 - neeznádiin
Ashiiké t'óó diigis léi' tółikaní ła' ádiilnííł dóó nihaa nahidoonih níigo yee hodeez'ą́ jiní. Áko t'áá ał'ąą ch’il na’atł'o’ii k’iidiilá dóó hááhgóóshį́į́ yinaalnishgo t'áá áłah ch’il na’atł'o’ii néineest'ą́ jiní. Áádóó tółikaní áyiilaago t'áá bíhígíí t'áá ał'ąą tł'ízíkágí yii' haidééłbįįd jiní. "Háadida díí tółikaní yígíí doo ła' aha’diidził da, " níigo aha'deet'ą́ jiní'. Áádóó baa nahidoonih biniiyé kintahgóó dah yidiiłjid jiní
- Hózhǫ́ Náhásdlį́į́ʼ - Language of the Holy People (Navajo web site with flash and audio, helps with learning Navajo), gomyson.com
- Contrasts between Navajo consonants
- Navajo Language & Bilingual Links
- Navajo Language Academy
- Tuning in to Navajo: The Role of Radio in Native Language Maintenance
- An Initial Exploration of the Navajo Nation's Language and Culture Initiative
- Báʼóltaʼí Adoodleełgi Bínaʼniltingo Bił Hazʼą́ (Center for Diné Teacher Education)
- Languagegeek Unicode fonts and Navajo keyboard layouts
- Navajo fonts
- The Navajo Language
- Inventory of the Robert W. Young Papers, 1850-2003 (bulk 1823-1980)
- Reflections on Navajo Poetry
- How to count in Navajo
- Navajo reflections of a general theory of lexical argument structure
- Remarks on the syntax of the Navajo verb part I: Preliminary observations on the structure of the verb
- The Navajo Prolongative and Lexical Structure
- A Computational Analysis of Navajo Verb Stems
- Grammaticization of Tense in Navajo: The Evolution of nt’éé
- A methodology for the investigation of speaker’s knowledge of structure in Athabaskan
- How to use Young and Morgan’s The Navajo Language
- Time in Navajo: Direct and Indirect Interpretation
- OLAC Resources in and about the Navajo language